
Do you suffer from Herniated Discs?

Disc herniation, better known as herniated discs, is a condition in which the soft, gelatinous material of the nucleus of the intervertebral disc is displaced outward from its normal location by the weakened area due to negative compression, causing discomfort in the spine. the spinal nerves and therefore pain. Herniated discs can occur in the vertebrae of any area of ​​the spine, in the upper part which are those in the neck called cervical, in the middle part of the back known as thoracic and in the lower part which is the area corresponding to the lumbar. It is worth mentioning that herniated discs also cause problems in the area of ​​the coccyx and sacrum, which would cause the patient to lose motor skills in the lower extremities.
The symptoms of a herniated disc can vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. Some of the most common symptoms include back pain, muscle weakness, numbness, cramps, and difficulty moving a limb. In severe cases, herniated discs can cause paralysis.