
Car accident injuries?

If you were in a car accident that caused whiplash and now you have 

  • neck pain, 
  • dizziness,
  • vertigo, 
  • back pain (upper or lower), 
  • shoulder pain, hip pain, 
  • leg pain, 
  • knee pain or 
  • foot pain 


you should consult a specialist and treat these injuries that could later become more serious.


It is normal for people to experience strong, sharp pain in these areas after a car accident due to the impact or shaking during the event. The worst thing is that this will continue to occur as long as it is not attended to.

After a car accident, the bone structure of our different parts of the body can be severely affected, even if a fracture didn’t occur. These “shakes” misalign the spine, which can trigger a series of pains depending on the area of ​​greatest impact.

That is why it is important to go with a Spinal Column Specialist and treat these traumas, since if you don’t, you will later not only have to treat pain but a series of conditions caused by the lack of treatment for the trauma.

That is why it is important to go with a Spinal Column Specialist and treat these traumas, since if you don’t, you will later not only have to treat pain but a series of conditions caused by the lack of treatment for the trauma.